
EIP 6963

Background: Metamask was the pioneer in Browser wallets, it was developed by Consensys back in 2016. After that a series of wallet extensions were developed during the last bull cycle. Few mentionable are Trust, WalletConnect, Zerion, Rainbow, Phantom, Talisman, Brave, Coinbase and more. Each wallet targeted different blockchain community and use cases. Some of them […]

Worldcoin: The Iris Scan Debate - Empowering or Exploitative?

This article will explore Worldcoin— a project that beckons us to comprehend its essence, components, and operational mechanics.

A Primer for the Zero-Knowledge Cryptography: Part II

In Part II of the Zero-Knowledge Cryptography Primer, we have explored the world of asymmetric cryptography and essential concepts like Diffie-Hellman, groups, and finite fields, delving into the fascinating realm of Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Uniswap v4: Powering up the Devs

Uniswap v4 emerges as a DeFi pinnacle, with groundbreaking features. Hooks introduce customizable pool functions, while a singleton design streamlines pool management. Flash accounting optimizes gas efficiency, while native ETH support reduces transfer costs. ERC1155 accounting consolidates token balances, and enhanced governance empowers users. Notably, Uniswap v4 synergizes with Balancer v2 Vaults and CowSwap, reflecting modularity and interaction concepts. Uniswap's evolution continues, redefining DeFi's horizons.

A Primer for the Zero-Knowledge Cryptography: Part I

Computational proof system, ZKPs, and Poseidon hash in blockchain.

Uniswap v3: Liquidity and Invariants 101

Uniswap v3 is the largest cornerstone in the DeFi space on Ethereum. While Uniswap v3 is efficient, the v3 update has made the mathematical relationship between the liquidity of a position, the amount of assets in that position, and its price range more complex. In this article we will discuss how do we understand liquidity and how does uniswap v3 come up with its interval liquidity formula? We will also cover a few liquidity invariants written by echidna which should never be violated for security reasons. Without further ado, let's talk UniswapV3 math.

Dissecting the MEV Attack: How a Validator Exploited the MEV-Boost-Relay Bug to Drain Multiple MEV Bots

In a recent incident, a malicious validator was able to exploit a vulnerability in the mev-boost-relay and perform a profitable attack, deconstructing bundles and claiming liquidity from MEV bots.

Shanghai Upgrade And Its Impacts on Ethereum Ecosystem

Shanghai upgrade enables stakers to withdraw previously deposited ETH next month, which they have been adding to for around 2.5 years. Currently, 19M ETH have been staked, which is approximately 15% of the tokens eligible for staking. Other PoS chains have higher staking percentages than Ethereum, such as AVAX with 55%, Solana with 70%, Cosmos with 62%, and Cardano with 72%.

Leveraging Non-Fungible Tokens: NFT Lending and Associated Risks

As the non-fungible tokens market boomed, it was quickly realized that they can be leveraged. Have a look at NFT Lending and the risks associated in this detailed blog

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EIP 6963

Background: Metamask was the pioneer in Browser wallets, it was developed by Consensys back in 2016. After that a series of wallet extensions were developed during the last bull cycle. Few mentionable are Trust, WalletConnect, Zerion, Rainbow, Phantom, Talisman, Brave, Coinbase and more. Each wallet targeted different blockchain community and use cases. Some of them […]

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