Ethereum audit

Ethereum Smart Contract Audit

Ethereum is an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract functionality. It provides a decentralized virtual machine known as the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which can execute peer-to-peer contracts using a human-readable programming language, Solidity.

Build Trust:

Safeguard your community trust in your Ethereum project, get an Ethereum smart contract audit by web3 security pioneer.

Preventable Errors:

Get your Ethereum contract audited to ensure your code is free of preventable errors.

Code Correctness:

Having executive-level expertise in Ethereum audit, they perform delicate code testing, ensuring code optimization and correctness of the code.

Reliability & Scalability:

Get an Ethereum audit and make sure that your protocol is free from loopholes that could question its reliability and scalability.

Why Must You Get an Ethereum smart contract Audit?

01 - Security

It's important to remember that smart contracts hold assets of millions of worth and protecting them from security flaws are highly sermonized.

02 - Code optimization

It’s important to create a secure code base for your project. A secure code base has a high chance of project success by ensuring you don’t leave any vulnerabilities in your code.

03 - Value

A verified smart contract by an auditing firm would be an assurance that the contract is fair, valid, and credible, thus it will create value in the market.

Execution of Ethereum Smart Contract Audit


The auditors perform a security review of the smart contract to ensure that it is compliant with the token/protocol standard.


After conducting proper testing through various tools such as Mythril, Mythx, slither, and manual code review and fuzzing, auditors analyze the attack vectors and come up with conclusions.


The results are summarised in a report and the corresponding data is shared with the client. This information is then used by the Developers and protocol owner to assess the risk, and impact and identify any necessary mitigation.

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Why Audit From BlockApex

Experienced Auditors:

We are a team of highly skilled auditors that have executive-level expertise in Ethereum audit.

Quality Audit:

Since day one BlockApex aims to fortify the move towards decentralization by providing quality Ethereum audit.

Efficient Process:

Once the duration is negotiated with the client, the Ethereum audit is done without any kind of delay.


A. What are Ethereum smart contract security risks?

Ethereum smart contracts are computer programs or protocols running on the Ethereum blockchain that perform specific functions when claims and conditions are met. These contracts are vulnerable to hacks and exploits; many are fraudulent in nature: unethical actors insert malicious functionality to get unauthorized access and steal money.

B. Can I perform a smart contract audit myself?

We encourage protocols to use their internal team to review smart contracts. Internal audits can identify vulnerabilities. But smart contract auditing is an area where outsourced expertise can greatly improve the quality of your code. On top of that, the internal team may lack the necessary expertise or time to comprehensively review a smart contract. External audit firms have entire teams that specialize in security research and smart contract vulnerability assessment.

C. Where can I find examples of Ethereum smart contract audit reports?

You can find ethereum smart contract audit reports here:

D. Do you look only for critical bugs during smart contract audit?

No, our security engineers look for all possible security issues and bugs in the smart contract under audit.

E. What benefits does a company get by passing an Ethereum contract audit?

Any protocol passing an ethereum contract audit creates trust in the community and provides value to the protocol in the market.

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