KaliDAO Audit Report

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BlockApex (Auditor) was contracted by KaliCo LLC_ (Client) for the purpose of conducting a Smart Contract Audit/Code Review. This document presents the findings of our analysis which took place on the 20th of December 2021. 

Name: LexDAO/KaliDAO
Auditor: Moazzam Arif | Kaif Ahmed
Platform: Ethereum/Solidity
Type of review: Manual code review / Behavioral testing
Methods: Architecture Review, Functional Testing, Computer-Aided Verification, Manual Review
Git repository: https://github.com/lexDAO/Kali/tree/299a23a084b8f826f591b30725a3d8b512520ec7
White paper/ Documentation: https://github.com/lexDAO/Kali
Document log Initial Audit: 30th December 2021 (complete) Final Audit: (pending)


The git-repository shared was checked for common code violations along with vulnerability-specific probing to detect major issues/vulnerabilities. Some specific checks are as follows: 

Code reviewFunctional review
ReentrancyUnchecked external callBusiness Logics Review
Ownership TakeoverERC20 API violationFunctionality Checks
Timestamp DependenceUnchecked mathAccess Control & Authorization
Gas Limit and LoopsUnsafe type inferenceEscrow manipulation
DoS with (Unexpected) ThrowImplicit visibility levelToken Supply manipulation
DoS with Block Gas LimitDeployment ConsistencyAsset’s integrity
Repository ConsistencyUser Balances manipulation
Style guide violationData ConsistencyKill-Switch Mechanism
Costly LoopComplexity of codeOperation Trails & Event Generation

Project Overview 

Kali is a protocol for on-chain organizations inspired by Compound and Moloch DAO Governance. Kali proposals are broken into a variety of types, such that each variance can have their own Governance settings, such as simple/super majority and Quorum requirements. 

System Architecture 


KaliDAO is a Comp-style governance into a single contract, it supports extensions to add contracts as apps, for example crowdsale and redemption contracts. 

Kali supports hashing and amending docs from deployment and through proposals, providing a hook to wrap organizations into legal templates to rationalize membership rules and liabilities. 


KaliDAOtoken represent voting stakes, and can be launched as transferable or non-transferable, with such settings being updateable via PAUSE proposal. Voting weight can also be delegated, and such weight automatically updates upon token transfers from delegators, incorporating functionality from Comp-style tokens. 

Methodology & Scope 

Audit log:
In the first two days, we developed a deeper understanding of the DAO and its workings. We started by reviewing the two main contracts against common solidity flaws. After the reconnaissance phase we wrote unit-test cases to ensure that the functions are performing their intended behavior. Then we began with the line-by-line ma


Executive Summary

The analysis indicates that the contracts audited are working properly.

After the initial audit, the client was provided with the initial audit report, and the issues reported were discussed. After the fixes had been made, our team performed a re-audit of the codebase. No further issues were found. The contracts were separately reviewed by two individuals. After their thorough and rigorous process of manual testing, an automated review was carried out using Mythril, MythX and Slither. All the flags raised were manually reviewed and re-tested.


Our team found:

# of issuesSeverity of the risk
2Critical Risk issue(s)
3High Risk issue(s)
Medium Risk issue(s)
Low Risk issue(s)
4Informatory issue(s)


S#Findings RiskStatus
CR-1. “Arbitrary call” proposals can lead to unauthorized transfers.Critical-riskAcknowledged
CR-2. New “Proposals” should not be processed before processing previous “Proposals”.Critical-riskResolved
HR-1. A “SUPERMAJORITY” proposal can be triggered without casting any votes.High-riskResolved
HR-2.  Whitelisting can be bypassed in extension.High-risk Acknowledged
HR-3.Any malicious user can withdraw “purchaseTokens” and drain the
whole contract
IR-1.Upper and lower bound on Governance params.Informatory
IR-2.“Pause” proposal should escape previous proposals.Informatory
IR-3.Bad error on proposal: “PROCESSED” for non-existent proposals.Informatory
IR-4.Bad error on voting: “VOTING_ENDED” for non-existent proposals.Informatory

Update on initial findings

Critical-risk issues

CR-1. “Arbitrary call” proposals can lead to unauthorized transfers 

Contract : KaliDAO.sol 

it("proposal type call , using arbitrary calls to call transfer and transferFrom function of kalidao token ", async function () {

    // hex data for payload
    const tranferFromCall = lexdao.interface.encodeFunctionData("transferFrom", [owner.address,addr3.address, 25]);
    // any approved users balance for lexDAO
    await lexdao.approve(lexdao.address , 1000000000);

    const ownerPreBal = await lexdao.balanceOf(owner.address);

    // proposalType.CALL, accounts = [lexdaoAddress], value = 0 ether, call = transferFromCall data
    await lexdao.propose(2, "TEST", [lexdao.address] , [0], [tranferFromCall]);
    await lexdao.vote(0,true); // votecount check
    await forwordTime(40); // vote ended, ignore typo :)
    await lexdao.processProposal(0); // process proposal
    // after balances
    const add3AftBal = await lexdao.balanceOf(addr3.address);
    const ownerAftBal = await lexdao.balanceOf(owner.address);

    // balances tranferred
    expect(add3AftBal.toNumber()).not.eq(0); // tranferFrom call executed


Exploit Scenario 

Any malicious user can submit the proposal type call, vote type simple majority and payload has a transferFrom transactions as we created payload on above test. Attackers can transfer any amount from any user if the user has approved his funds to the LexDao contract. 


1. BlackList specific account addresses and calls. 

2. Implement validation of transaction data. (this might create centralization) 

Developer's Response 

“We believe this issue is avoided by discouraging users from approving token pulls to the `KaliDAO.sol` contract. Instead, payments to DAOs will be through direct transfers or by the use of extension contracts which are authorized to make such token pulls. It is our preference to avoid limiting the kinds of calls that can be made through these kinds of proposals or adding centralization factors” 

Auditor's Response 

Status : Acknowledged. 

CR-2. New “Proposals” should not be processed before processing previous Proposals 

Contract : KaliDAO.sol 

Function : processProposal() 

// skip previous proposal processing requirement in case of escape hatch
        if (prop.proposalType != ProposalType.ESCAPE) {
            // allow underflow in this case to permit first proposal
            unchecked {
                require(proposals[proposal - 1].creationTime == 0, 'PREV_NOT_PROCESSED');

Exploit Scenario 

As stated in the piece of code mentioned above, it is very clear that if any previous proposal is pending, no new proposal will be processed. However, this check can be easily by-passed if a non-member adds a proposal and then sponsorProposal is called after that. This way, a new proposal will be processed. 

it("Process proposal without processing previous proposals", async function () {

    //proposal 0
    await lexdao.propose(0, "TEST", [owner.address] , [1], [0x00]);
    //proposal 1
    await lexdao.propose(0, "TEST", [owner.address] , [1], [0x00]);
    //proposal 2 by non-menber
    await lexdao.connect(addr3).propose(0, "TEST", [owner.address] , [1], [0x00]);
    //sponsor by member
    await lexdao.sponsorProposal(2);
    await forwordTime(40);
    try {
        //process Proposal without process previous proposals
        await lexdao.processProposal(3);
    } catch (error) {


Do not create a “new” proposal when sponsorProposal() is called. 

Developer's Response 

“We have made a fix by tracking a new global state variable, currentSponsoredProposal and updating it upon every sponsored proposal. This value gets appended to the Proposal struct and is checked on processing, like so: 

if (proposals[prop.prevProposal].creationTime != 0) revert PrevNotProcessed(); 

Auditor's Response 

Status : Resolved. 

High-risk issues

HR-1. A “SUPERMAJORITY” proposal can be triggered without casting any votes 

Contract : KaliDAO.sol 

Function : _countVotes() 

function _countVotes(
        VoteType voteType,
        uint256 yesVotes,
        uint256 noVotes
    ) internal view virtual returns (bool didProposalPass) {
        // rule out any failed quorums
            uint256 minVotes = (totalSupply * quorum) / 100;
            // this is safe from overflow because `yesVotes` and `noVotes` are capped by `totalSupply`
            // which is checked for overflow in `KaliDAOtoken` contract
            unchecked {
                uint256 votes = yesVotes + noVotes;

                if (votes < minVotes) return false;
        // simple majority
        if (voteType == VoteType.SIMPLE_MAJORITY || voteType == VoteType.SIMPLE_MAJORITY_QUORUM_REQUIRED) {
            if (yesVotes > noVotes) return true;
        // super majority
        } else {
            // example: 7 yes, 2 no, supermajority = 66
            // ((7+2) * 66) / 100 = 5.94; 7 yes will pass
            uint256 minYes = ((yesVotes + noVotes) * supermajority) / 100;

            if (yesVotes >= minYes) return true;

Exploit Scenario 

Let's consider the code above; The else() statement : if yesVotes and noVotes are zero and supermajority is set to 66, the resulting minYes will ultimately be zero as well. Now let’s see the last if() inside the else( ) condition. Both yesVotes and minYes are zero, so the condition will return true. If any malicious user adds a proposal of mint/burn, they just have to wait to process the proposal because that proposal does not need any votes. 


Remove the equality sign and ensure that the voting period is long enough so that the users are able to vote on every proposal. This will make sure that the yesVotes required to process a proposal is greater than 0 and can get votes from other users as well. 

Developer's Response 

We have a made a fix to this issue by putting in a return check at the top of the “_countVotes” internal function that fails a proposal if nobody participated, like so: “if (yesVotes == 0 && noVotes == 0)” 
return false;   

Auditor's Response 

Status : Resolved. 

HR-2. Whitelisting can be bypassed in extension 

Contract : KaliDAOcrowdsale.sol 

         if (sale.listId != 0) require(whitelistManager.whitelistedAccounts(sale.listId, account), 

Exploit Scenario 

User can bypass the whitelisting check by providing listId “0”. 

(Note: This might be a false assumption because we didn't properly recon the latest codebase at this point) 


A contract should have proper checks that restrict users to set extension with “0” listId.

Developer's Response 

In the crowdsale extension contract, we purposefully allow users to set a null value for whitelist ID in order to allow for unrestricted token sales. 

Auditor's Response 

Status : Acknowledged. 

HR-3. Any malicious user can withdraw “purchaseToken” and drain the whole contract 

Contract : KaliDAOcrowdsale.sol 

it("Bypassing whitelisting can lead to unautherized transfers " , async function() {
    // Data for crowdsale Extension
    const data = abiCoder.encode(
        ["uint256" , "address" , "uint8" , "uint96" , "uint32"] , 
        [0 , token.address , 1, BigNumber("100000").toString() , BigNumber("1640838044").toString()]);
    //transfering funds to address 3
    await token.transfer(addr3.address , BigNumber("100").toString());
    //checking balance before
    console.log(await token.balanceOf(addr3.address));
    console.log(await token.balanceOf(addr4.address));
    //approving funds by address 3 to crowdsale contract
    await token.connect(addr3).approve(crowdsale.address , BigNumber("100").toString());
    //set extension using address 4
    await crowdsale.connect(addr4).setExtension(data);
    //call extension using address 4
    await crowdsale.connect(addr4).callExtension(addr3.address, BigNumber("100").toString());
    //checking balance after
    console.log(await token.balanceOf(addr3.address));
    console.log(await token.balanceOf(addr4.address));


Exploit Scenario 

Consider that a user can set an extension using the listId “0” (the check which can be easily bypassed). Now if any user has approved their funds to the crowdsale contract, any malicious user can simply call the setExtension() using the token address in his data and then call callExtension() using address 3 (used in the example above) in the parameters which will ultimately withdraw all the funds user have approved to the crowdsale contract. 


Whitelisting should be handled properly like funds should be transferred to a whitelisted address instead of msg.sender. 

Developer's Response 

Resolved the issue by limiting users to call the extension directly from crowdsale and deducting amounts form msg.sender instead of any address. 

Auditor's Response 

Status : Resolved. 

Informatory issues and Optimization 

IR-1. Upper and lower bound on Governance params 

Contract : KaliDAO.sol 


init function has proper upper and lower bounds but if the user set values by Governance, it has no lower and upper bound check. Unchecked math assumes these bounds. 


A proper upper and lower bounds check should be placed while changing values by Governance. 

Developer's Response 

We provide reversion checks on governance params in the “propose()” function to ensure that proposals to amend “votingPeriod”, “quorum”, “supermajority” and proposal types are kept within expected bounds. 

Auditor's Response 

Status : Acknowledged. 

IR-2. “Pause” proposal should escape previous proposals 

Contract : KaliDAO.sol 


To pause the contract, a proposal is submitted. Most of the time a pause is needed in emergencies. To timely execute a pause proposal it should not wait for previous proposals. (We have seen mishaps with $COMP in the past, where their proposal to fallback takes days). 


There should be a check in processProposal() that if the proposal type is “pause” it can execute right away. 

Developer's Response 

It is our preference to maintain a voting period for PAUSE proposal types in order to accommodate the use case of gradual decentralization by some DAOs. For example, there are non-emergency situations where a DAO might deploy with a closed founder group, grow its membership through proposals, but then want to vote and reach consensus on making membership tokens transferable, and therefore, open to the public. 

Auditor's Response 

Status : Acknowledged. 

IR-3. Bad error on proposal: “PROCESSED” for non-existent proposals Contract : KaliDAO.sol 

 function processProposal(uint256 proposal) public nonReentrant virtual returns (
        bool didProposalPass, bytes[] memory results
    ) {
        Proposal storage prop = proposals[proposal];

        require(prop.creationTime != 0, 'PROCESSED');


If a user tries to process a non-existent proposal, the above code won’t let him process because proposal creation time is 0 but the user will get the “PROCESSED” error. This should be handled properly by separately checking if the proposal actually exists or not. 


“Proposal does not exist” should be displayed by adding a check using require. Developer's Response 

We have provided a clarified reversion message, “Processed()” -> “NotCurrentProposal()”. We otherwise would like to avoid additional checks to optimize for gas efficiency. 

Auditor's Response 

Status : Acknowledged. 

IR-4. Bad error on voting: “VOTING_ENDED” for non-existent proposals Contract :

   // this is safe from overflow because `votingPeriod` is capped so it will not combine
        // with unix time to exceed 'type(uint256).max'
        unchecked {
            require(block.timestamp <= prop.creationTime + votingPeriod, 'VOTING_ENDED');



If a user tries to vote on a non-existent proposal, the above code won't let him vote because proposal creationTime + votingPeriod will be less than block.timestamp but the user will get “VOTING_ENDED” error. This should be handled properly by separately checking if the proposal actually exists or not. 


“Proposal does not exist” should be displayed by adding a check using require. 

Developer's Response 

We have provided a clarified reversion message, “VotingEnded()” -> “NotVoteable()”. We otherwise would like to avoid additional checks to optimize for gas efficiency. 

Auditor's Response 

Status : Acknowledged. 


The smart contracts provided by the client for audit purposes have been thoroughly analyzed in compliance with the global best practices till date w.r.t cybersecurity vulnerabilities and issues in smart contract code, the details of which are enclosed in this report. 

This report is not an endorsement or indictment of the project or team, and they do not in any way guarantee the security of the particular object in context. This report is not considered, and should not be interpreted as an influence, on the potential economics of the token, its sale or any other aspect of the project. 

Crypto assets/tokens are results of the emerging blockchain technology in the domain of decentralized finance and they carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No report provides any warranty or representation to any third-Party in any respect, including regarding the bug-free nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third-party should rely on the reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. 

Smart contracts are deployed and executed on a blockchain. The platform, its programming language, and other software related to the smart contract can have its vulnerabilities that can lead to hacks. The scope of our review is limited to a review of the Solidity code and only the Solidity code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. The Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond Solidity that could present security risks. 

This audit cannot be considered as a sufficient assessment regarding the utility and safety of the code, bug-free status or any other statements of the contract. While we have done our best in conducting the analysis and producing this report, it is important to note that you should not rely on this report only - we recommend proceeding with several independent audits and a public bug bounty program to ensure security of smart contracts.

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