Blockchain Quality Assurance

Importance of Blockchain Quality Assurance

Blockchain quality assurance is a deep Automated code review done by smart contract auditors to testify its behaviour, functionality and scalability. They create different edge case scenarios with boundary testing techniques using different tools like Foundry and Hardhat. It is highly essential to do blockchain quality assurance as it assures you that the interaction with the code on mainnet is optimised.

Applications being tested with the perspective of web2 mindset is the classical implementation that needs evolution in this ever-changing paradigm.

To cater this need, BlockApex does the Blockchain Quality Assurance where the professional contract auditors look into the code closely with a web3 mindset and uses relative and exclusive way forwards to testify the code.

A stability review is done where the team of robust contract auditors investigate the white paper with authentic and latest technological tools to examine each line of the code. The blockchain quality assurance ensures that the blockchain interaction includes scalability at every minute level along with the interaction of the blockchain on the Ethereum mainnet including other blockchains.

For a well-ordered and reliable blockchain quality assurance, BlockApex contract auditors interject themselves with the code in an agile manner, of the smart contract or protocol in the very beginning stage. The experts contract auditors here, sift through every line of code on a granular level and testify its validity, identify the loopholes and suggest mitigations to close those cracks.

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