Audit Reports

Cream Finance Hack: What Motivates Hackers to Return Stolen Funds?

From an outsider’s perspective, returning millions of dollars worth of funds after successfully pulling off a complicated exploit is, at best, admirable, and at worst, foolish. What could be the motivation behind such a decision?

NFTs Explained: A Security Perspective

The peculiarity of the enormous bids surrounding NFTs brings forward several questions about these digital assets. Is there a reason why people are willing to spend thousands of dollars worth of funds for them? What is the technology behind NFTs that ensures their originality? And most importantly, what security risks should I be aware of before I set out to purchase one? Understanding the answers to these common questions is becoming more and more essential as NFTs continue to be a valuable part of the spaces we operate in.

Polkalokr Matic Bridge Contract Audit Report

The analysis indicates that the contracts audited are secured and follow the best practices.
Our team performed a technique called “Filtered Audit”, where the contract was separately audited by two individuals. After their thorough and rigorous process of manual testing, an automated review was carried out using Slither, and Manticore. All the flags raised were manually reviewed and re-tested.

The Collapse of Blockchain Security: August Edition

Over $720M worth of funds were stolen this month, illuminating a dangerous message about the security and reliability of these platforms- raising several questions. Is orchestrating an attack of this level really so easy? If I happen to be a daring individual with the right technical skills, can I too be the owner of millions of dollars worth of funds? And most importantly, what measures can other platforms take beforehand to ensure they and their users are safe from becoming the next target?

The Poly Network Hack: Who to Blame?

What was essentially the biggest hack in the history of cryptocurrency became a valuable lesson on the importance of security and just how powerless big organizations can become in the face of powerful hackers. The unusual trajectory of this incident also begs the question of where to place the blame in these kinds of attacks. Read more to find out exactly how the hack took place as we analyze the most pressing questions surrounding this attack.

Revisiting Ethereum Classic in Light of the London Hard Fork

The successful upgrade of the London Hard Fork is a big difference from the fork leading to Ethereum Classic that took place back in 2016. However, despite their divergence, both are milestones in the Ethereum world- guaranteed to have lasting impacts on the blockchain as we know it. Read more to find out the circumstances surrounding each hard fork and the role they may play in shaping Ethereum's future.

Vaccify - Building a Resilient Digital Trust Ecosystem

Vaccify is an open-source COVID-19 Initiative of TrustNet. The idea behind it is to issue digital certificates to people who are vaccinated (once the vaccine is available) for COVID-19. It is a Blockchain-based digital identity eco-system for all hospitals, healthcare centers, laboratories, and testing facilities across Pakistan.

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