Smart Contract Audit Report: Chrysus

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BlockApex (Auditor) was contracted by Project Chrysus (Client) for the purpose of conducting a Smart Contract Audit/Code Review. This document presents the findings of our analysis which started on 8th October 2022. 

Name: Project Chrysus
Auditor: BlockApex 
Platform: Solidity
Type of review: Manual Code Review | Automated Tools Analysis
Methods: Architecture Review | Functional Testing | Computer-Aided Verification | Manual Review
Git repository/ Commit Hash:
White paper/ Documentation:
Document log:
Initial Audit Completed: October 17th, 2022
Final Audit Completed: December 22nd, 2022


The git-repository shared was checked for common code violations along with vulnerability-specific probing to detect major issues/vulnerabilities. Some specific checks are as follows:

Code reviewFunctional review
Reentrancy Unchecked external callBusiness Logics Review
Ownership TakeoverERC20 API violationFunctionality Checks
Timestamp DependenceUnchecked mathAccess Control & Authorization
Gas Limit and LoopsUnsafe type inferenceEscrow manipulation
DoS with (Unexpected) ThrowImplicit visibility levelToken Supply manipulation
DoS with Block Gas LimitDeployment ConsistencyAsset’s integrity
Transaction-Ordering DependenceRepository ConsistencyUser Balances manipulation
Style guide violationData ConsistencyKill-Switch Mechanism
Costly LoopOperation Trails & Event Generation

Project Overview

Project Chrysus aims to be a fully decentralized ecosystem revolving around Chrysus Coin. Chrysus Coin (Chrysus) is an ERC20 token deployed on the Ethereum network, which is pegged to the price of gold (XAU/USD) using Decentralized Finance (DeFi) best practices. The ecosystem around Chrysus will involve a SWAP solution, a lending solution, and an eCommerce integration solution allowing for the use of Chrysus outside of the DeFi ecosystem. 

One of the main goals of Chrysus is not just closely to follow the price of gold but also to be a cash flow-generating token. This is achieved through the Chrysus Governance Token (CGT), which will serve both as a decentralization tool for the system and as a reward tool for Chrysus token minters. Fees collected through the different components of the Project Chrysus ecosystem will be re-distributed to CGT token holders who actively participate in the stability mechanisms of the platform.

System Architecture

Project Chrysus

Project Chrysus (PC) is a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ecosystem, revolving around the Chrysus Coin (CHC: a synthetic asset tracking the price of gold) and the Chrysus Governance Token (CGT). Users can generate CHC by leveraging ETH and DAI as collateral, also known as Collateralized Debt Positions (CDPs)

Chrysus Coin

Chrysus (CHC) aims to become a de-facto stablecoin pegged to the price of gold. The pegging mechanism will be fully decentralized and will be a hybrid between the solutions developed by Maker and Synthetix.
It borrows the best aspect from both systems where it has: 

  • Lower collateral requirement than Synthetix 
  • Improved reward structure for opening of positions compared to Maker 
  • Non-inflationary stability mechanisms for recapitalization of the system 
  • 1:1 profit with the actual tracked asset

Governance Token (CGT)

Chrysus Governance Token (CGT) is the governance token issued as a reward for participants in the ecosystem. CGT will be a perpetually inflationary token, which will be rewarded for: 

  • Minting Chrysus
  • Providing liquidity to Chrysus 
  • Chrysus Lending and Borrowing

The CGT token’s main purpose is to be used for governance via voting on the system’s parameters. An additional use of the CGT token will be the stability system, where people who stake CGT will receive a percentage allocation of all fees collected throughout the Chrysus Ecosystem. This ensures both the stability of Chrysus versus its peg and well providing multiple cash flow streams. 

For instance: A user deposits ETH & DAI to mint CHC, based on this they will be eligible for part of the daily CGT allocation. The user can use this Chrysus token in the Lending Borrowing module, enabling them to receive additional CGT. The user then stakes CGT in the Stability Module, enabling them to receive % of all fees collected on the platform.

Methodology & Scope

The codebase was audited using a filtered audit technique. A band of three (3) auditors scanned the codebase in an iterative process spanning over a time of one (1) week. 

Starting with the recon phase, a basic understanding was developed and the auditors worked on developing presumptions for the developed codebase and the relevant documentation/whitepaper. Furthermore, the audit moved on with the manual code reviews with the motive to find logical flaws in the codebase complemented with code optimizations, software and security design patterns, code styles, best practices and identifying false positives that were detected by automated analysis tools like Slither.


Executive Summary

The analysis indicates that the contracts under scope of audit are working properly.
Our team performed a technique called “Filtered Audit”, where the contract was separately audited by three individuals. Followed by a rigorous process of manual testing and automated review using slither for static analysis and foundry for fuzzing invariants. All the flags raised were re-tested to identify the false positives.


Our team found

# of issues Severity of the risk
4Critical Risk issue(s)
2High Risk issue(s)
2Medium Risk issue(s)
3Low Risk issue(s)
17Informatory issue(s)

Key Findings

1.Incorrect LP shares calculationCriticalFixed
2.DoS attack stops minting completelyCriticalFixed
3.Incomplete functionality in the Chrysus contractCriticalFixed
4.Potential reentrancy risk in Chrysus TokenCriticalFixed
5.Potential manipulation of Governance voteCountHighFixed
6.Unchecked return values dependanceHighFixed
7.Rounding-off errors in collateralRatioMediumFixed
8.Unorthodox options to liquidateMediumFixed
9.Governance token contract does not emit relevant eventsLowFixed
10.Ensure contract is initializedLowFixed
11.Implement checks effects interactions patternLowFixed
12.Improve functions layoutInformatoryFixed
13.Avoid using floating pragma solidity versionInformatoryFixed
14.Inexistent arithmetic overflow checksInformatoryFixed
15.Low test coverage & documentationInformatoryAcknowleged
16.Use proper linting and prettier for codebaseInformatoryFixed
17.Use vetted codebaseInformatoryFixed
18.Remove unused state variablesInformatoryFixed
19.Solidity docs: Coding StylesInformatoryFixed
20.Mark as immutableInformatoryFixed
21.Misleading namingInformatoryFixed
22.Wrapped calling of variablesInformatoryFixed
23.Constructor gas optimizationsInformatoryFixed
24.Improve constructor readabilityInformatoryFixed
25.Gather all redundant checks inside modifiersInformatoryFixed
26.Early return from functionInformatoryFixed
27.Introduce events in the contract ChrysusInformatoryFixed
28.Redundant check against zero address for argumentInformatoryFixed

Detailed Overview

Critical-risk issues

Incorrect LP shares calculation

Source: contracts/Pair.sol


In the Pair contract, the mint function mints liquidity shares, using a formula as follows;

} else {
     liquidity =
       (amount0 * _totalSupply) / _reserve0 - //difference calculated here
       ((amount1 * _totalSupply) / _reserve1);

The concerning issue is that the function uses the difference of two values to calculate the liquidity share.

A simple edge case test confirms the vulnerability, that is, if a user deposits 100 and 100, no LP tokens are minted, completely forbidding the user to claim back the deposited amount of tokens entirely via the burn function, which fails with the UniswapV2 error message of insufficient burn liquidity.

In the meanwhile, Uniswap V2 uses the same formula as above, but selecting the minimum of the above two factors, the user share is calculated accordingly to mint an appropriate amount of LP tokens, and burning these LP tokens results in the claim of appropriate deposited tokens. 

This is a critical flaw in the Chrysus Pair contract tokenomics concerning the minting and burning functionalities and should be handled with immense care during restructuring and thorough testing.

Proof of Concept:
Consider a scenario, and a user deposits 100 and 80 amounts of tokens 0 and 1, respectively; they will receive 20LP tokens representing the user’s share of liquidity.

If the user then tries to burn these 20LP tokens, the burn formula (being indifferent from UniswapV2’s standard burn) miscalculates the reserves to give the user an irrational amount of the originally deposited tokens as shown in the below test case.

Hence, in all cases of subtracting the reserves, users won't be able to withdraw their actual share of reserves resulting in a loss of the original deposited tokens.

The following test verifies the values;

it("check liquidity share calculation formula", async function () {
   await dai.connect(daiHolder).approve(pair.address, BigInt(10000E20))
   await dai.connect(daiHolder).transferFrom(DAI_HOLDER, pair.address, BigInt(100E18))
   await chrysus.transfer(pair.address, BigInt(100E18))
   await pair.connect(team).mint(team.address)
   console.log("\n User1 has minted \n");
   await dai.connect(daiHolder).approve(pair.address, BigInt(10000E20))
   await dai.connect(daiHolder).transferFrom(DAI_HOLDER, pair.address, BigInt(100E18))
   await chrysus.transfer(pair.address, BigInt(80E18))
   console.log("\n User2 has minted \n");
   await pair.transfer(pair.address, BigInt(await pair.balanceOf(accounts[0].address)));
   await pair.burn(accounts[0].address);
   console.log("\n User2 has burnt \n");
   console.log("dai received: ", await dai.balanceOf(accounts[0].address));
   console.log("chu received: ", await chrysus.balanceOf(accounts[0].address));

Results from the tests:

 /** User2 amounts:
  * Deposited DAI: 100000000000000000000
  * Received DAI:  9850000000000000000000
  * Deposited CHC: 80000000000000000000
  * Received CHC:  33333333333333333333


It is recommended to restructure the formula following the UniswapV2 logic, as above, to compute over the minimum value of the two reserves instead of the difference.
Alternatively, the burning functionality can also be redefined by following the minting formula in an off-by-one manner, i.e., the current minting logic could be mirrored in the burning function as well when the user tries to burn their deposited tokens. 

Status: Fixed

DoS attack stops minting completely

Source: contracts/Governance.sol


In the Governance contract, the function mintDaily mints governance tokens (CGT) on a daily basis to multiple contracts. However, if it is called right before 24 hours have passed, the function still executes with a zero minting amount but also resets the variable lastMintTimestamp.

Consider a scenario, an adversary calls this function after 23 hours have passed since last calling, the function (having no checks) will calculate the number of days passed since last mint, that is, zero, will successfully mint zero amounts for the current day and reset the lastMintTimestamp to block.timestamp. This design leads to DoS attacks as the minting can be permanently stopped repetitively calling this function in the nick of time as it approaches a 24 hour cycle.

Proof of Concept:
The following code snippet exhibits the failing functionality;

function mintDaily() external {
       uint256 numDays = (block.timestamp - lastMintTimestamp) / 86400;


Place a check to revert the execution if the value of variable numDays is not equal to one.

Status: Fixed

Incomplete functionality in the Chrysus contract

Source: contracts/Chrysus.sol


In the Chrysus contract, the liquidate function enables self liquidation for users who initially deposit collateral to the contract and executes a swap functionality on the UniswapV2Pair while liquidating. This swap requires that the amounts to be swapped should be transferred before calling the swap function leading to a conflicting assumption that; 

  1. msg.sender in this scenario shall always be an EOA, since it allows users to deposit and withdraw collateral,
  2. meanwhile, assuming that the same user should interact with Chrysus contract (as it looks up to the mapping of user deposited collateral) expecting to transfer the amounts of tokens before swap occurs through a callback feature OR externally via atomic transactions.

This leads to two possible scenarios:

  • Either the msg.sender is considered a smart contract in context of the liquidate function as it will require external actions to pre-transfer the amounts of tokens to UniswapV2Pair swap call using the callback feature implementation,
  • Or all interactions with the Chrysus contract are done through a periphery layer that implements all the validatory checks and transfers the amounts on EOA user’s behalf during the liquidate call, leading to an invalid state of msg.sender being the periphery itself.

Thus if the swap callback is considered, the issue arises that only contracts implementing it will be allowed to liquidate themselves leading to the point that originally just these contracts should be allowed to make deposits and withdrawals.

Currently, only EOAs are assumed to make deposits and withdrawals, that is, users can directly interact with the token contract, this makes the liquidation mechanism confusing to call, rather test, and the functionality is inevitably rendered as incomplete.


It is highly recommended that the Chrysus contract liquidation mechanisms be restructured following the remedies in issue # 08 of this report and go through effective unit testing confirming all the positive and negative test cases work correctly.

Developer Response:
“At the early stages of the system you need to self-liquidate because you cannot rely on 3rd parties until the system becomes used enough. And even then, there is no good reason not to self-liqdudate… Sure, if the recommendation is to include external liquidations, we can do that. I suggest:

- 1% of the liquidation amount

- Hide the liquidation amounts in order to avoid cherry picking the liquidations”

Conclusion: 1% of the liquidation amount will be given as a reward to the liquidator though the percentage is subjected to change based on the average position size.

Auditor Response: The Client’s response elaborates on a new functionality that includes potential changes in the business layer. This iteration of audit is, henceforth considered as, completed from the Auditor.

Status: Fixed

Potential reentrancy risk in Chrysus Token

Source: contracts/Governance.sol

In the Chrysus contract, the function withdrawCollateral is prone to reentrancy; a particular attack vector with which a malicious contract can reenter a vulnerable contract in a nested manner. Specifically, it first calls a function in the vulnerable contract, but before the first instance of the function call is finished, a second call can be arranged to re-enter the vulnerable contract by invoking functions that should only be executed once. There are certain principles advised that mitigate such attack vectors like mutual exclusion (mutex sections), checks-effects-interactions (design pattern), pull over push (payment method) and whitelisted calls (trusted users only).

Proof of Concept:
The following code snippet exhibits the failing functionality;

function withdrawCollateral(address _collateralType, uint256 _amount)
   external { ... }

This function relies on to transfer the value to the caller. However, this design is vulnerable as fallback calls to msg.sender can be easily crafted to reenter the Chrysus contract. Apparently, the interaction with the external contract happens (line 375) when the msg.sender is sent value during the withdrawal. In this particular case, the external contract may hold certain hidden logic that can allow it to reenter the vulnerable contract.


It is highly recommended to use lock modifier with this function to ensure a mutex section is created and that the function is entirely executed in its atomicity.

Status: Fixed

High-risk issues

Potential manipulation of Governance voteCount

Source: contracts/Governance.sol


In the Governance contract, the function executeVote makes an external call to the destination address with function name and bytes data as arguments. In all cases when the call to execute a vote at the destination address either passes or fails, the Vote.result is always saved as true. The return values from this external call are never checked or validated opening a window of false assumptions regarding execution of votes.

An instance of critical severity is the defected usage of the executed state variable inside the struct Vote, which is assumed to be updated during this execution but is never set throughout the codebase.

The design to execute votes in the governance contract hints at enforcing execution of arbitral contracts’ functions, only requiring a successful proposal. However, the assumption that reflects this is that the proposed vote is always benevolent and contains trusted contract calls only. In most cases of executing votes in smart contracts, this is a severe design flaw and is therefore recommended as requiring restructure.

Proof of Concept:
The following code snippet exhibits the failing functionality;

if (...) {
           v.result = true;
           address _destination = v.voteAddress;
           bool _succ;
           bytes memory _res;
           (_succ, _res) =
           ); //When testing ...
       } else { ...

Consider a scenario where a vote is successfully proposed through proposeVote. Upon calling the executeVote function, if the external call to the destination address fails due to any inherent internal calls failing; the vote.result will be stated as true, but the variable voteCount will still be incremented. This shows that the governance contract aims to execute votes with failing results and does not handle the cases of reverting external calls.


Place checks on return values of for success to always be true and restructure the function to maintain the state of vote using the available variable executed.

Status: Fixed

Unchecked return values Dependance

Source: contracts/Chrysus.sol

In the Chrysus contract, there are multiple instances of value transfer functions like call, transfer and transferFrom that need return values to be checked before continuing execution. This ensures that all misassumptions are cleared during external calls and that the return value, specifically the boolean status of the call, is always checked according to the expected result ahead of remaining function execution.

Proof of Concept:
The following code snippets exhibit the failing functionality, in the withdrawCollateral function.

Chrysus.sol - Line # 408:

(success,) = address(swapSolution).call{ value: DSMath.div(_fees, 5) }("");

Chrysus.sol - Line # 412:

(success, ) = address(stabilityModule).call{ value: DSMath.wdiv( DSMath.wmul(_fees, 5000), 10000)}("");

Chrysus.sol - Line # 440:

IERC20(collateralType).transferFrom(address(this), pair, amount);

Chrysus.sol - Line # 442:

success = IERC20(collateralType).transfer(address (stabilityModule), DSMath.div(_fees, 2));

Status: Fixed 

Medium-risk issues

Rounding-off errors in collateralRatio

Source: contracts/Chrysus.sol


In Chrysus contract, the view function collateralRatio returns a zero value for the collateralizationRatio variable when the totalCollateral may be less than the price of CHC, causing a proper fractional division. Since solidity by design does not handle floating points, the collateralizationRatio is returned after rounding-off to 0 in all cases where the division outputs a number between 0 and 1. For instance, if collateralizationRatio is supposed to be 0.99 it is instead stored as 0, negating all following calculations. 


It is highly recommended that the collateralizationRatio be restructured such that a factorial multiplier of the collateral is always returned instead of zero hence, all following arithmetic operations will be handled with precision.

Status: Fixed

Unorthodox options to liquidate

Source: contracts/Chrysus.sol

In the Chrysus contract, the current implementation of the liquidate function is bound for self liquidations only. Standalone self liquidation is an unorthodox practice, rare in industry standards of DeFi external liquidations. It is therefore suggested that the liquidate function be restructured such that:

  • New functionality is added alongside the main liquidate function to accommodate self liquidations,
  • liquidate shall accept arguments like userToLiquidate, +
  • +collateralType and liquidationAmount with appropriate checks for these added inputs. 

Status: Fixed

Low-risk issues

Governance token contract does not emit relevant events


It is necessary to emit relevant events on critical functions such as before proposing, executing votes or minting tokens.


Emit relevant events on all user facing functions in the Governance contract.

Status: Fixed

Ensure contract is initialized


In the Governance contract, a function named mintDaily mints tokens to multiple contracts on a daily basis, however the current implementation does not ensure the contract is initialized before it starts mining the governance voting powered tokens to different contracts in the protocol.


Place modifier on mintDaily function that checks whether the contract is initialized with an authorized role.

Status: Fixed 

Implement checks effects interactions pattern

The following instances in Chrysus contract do not comply with the checks-effects-interactions pattern which is a recommended design pattern for smart contracts.

  • Move this line before the _mint call
userDeposits[msg.sender][_collateralType].minted += amountToMint;
  • Move this line before the _burn call
userDeposits[msg.sender][_collateralType].minted -= amountToMint; 

Status: Fixed

Informatory Issues & Gas Optimizations

Improve functions layout

As stated in the Solidity style guide, the functions should be grouped according to their visibility and ordered:

  • constructor
  • receive function (if exists)
  • fallback function (if exists)
  • external
  • public
  • internal
  • private

Status: Fixed 

Avoid using floating pragma solidity version


Throughout the codebase, the current implementations of smart contracts have used floating pragma solidity versions. This practice leads to incompatible contracts during testing which is a matter of serious security because developers may have a different set of assumptions than auditors for testing of the contracts. It is therefore recommended to use a fixed solidity version across all smart contracts in the codebase.

Status: Fixed 

Inexistent arithmetic overflow checks

Throughout the codebase there are certain contracts that use pre 0.8.x solidity versions and are liable to arithmetic overflow and underflow exceptions. It is recommended that all the instances covering explicit mathematical operations be handled with safemath or using solidity versions greater than 0.8 otherwise. 

Status: Pending

Low test coverage & documentation

Throughout the codebase, the testing is insufficient to support the positive  and negative test cases from the protocol engineering team. The low level of testing points to a critical lacking in the project as many cases are 

Status: Pending

Use proper linting and prettier for codebase

Throughout the codebase, cosmetic tools like prettier can be utilized to execute linting and code styling as suggested by the SOlidity docs so that code readability is improved.

Status: Fixed

Use vetted codebase

Throughout the codebase, libraries have been written in-house, though the functions and instances use similar conventions yet this strongly suggests that audited and vetted contract/ libraries and dependencies be used for all helper and auxiliary operations. It is therefore recommended that;

  • The instances of SafeERC20 and functions derived from it should be imported from the OpenZeppelin’s suite of smart contracts.
  • Non-reentrant functionality should be imported from openzeppelin instead of writing an internal lock modifier.

Status: Fixed

Remove unused state variables

In Chrysus.sol, the two state variables at the top of the Chrysus contract named ethBalance and ethFees are never used inside the contract and consume unnecessary storage. It is advised to prepare a structured version of the contract that is pre-reviewed for all issues like these before moving to audit. 

Status: Fixed

Solidity docs: Coding Styles

For the codebase, in general, it is highly recommended to follow the coding styles and best guides for layout in the solidity docs. For instance, variables in Chrysus contract like; address public governance; address public treasury; address public auction; can be moved to the top and arranged considering the tight variable design pattern.

Status: Fixed

Mark as immutable

In Chrysus.sol, there are some instances for state variables that can be marked as immutable, such as; ISwap public swapSolution; IStabilityModule public stabilityModule; IUniswapV2Pair public pair;
Also ensure that variables have explicit visibility set as for the following; AggregatorV3Interface oracleCHC; AggregatorV3Interface oracleXAU;

Status: Fixed

Misleading naming

In Chrysus.sol, the variable collateralRequirement can be renamed for a more sensible and user readable convention such as minCollateral.
For another instance, the function collateralRatio the name getCollateralizationRatio can be used instead to increase readability.

Status: Fixed

Wrapped calling of variable

In Chrysus.sol, the constructor currently accepts the contract type argument for ISwapRouter _swapRouter. For ease of deployment, the argument type can be modified to accept the address for _swapRouter.

Status: Fixed

Constructor gas optimizations

In Chrysus.sol, the constructor currently checks against a list of provided addresses to not be zero address using require statement. It is suggested that all these checks be replaced with one accumulating if block or revert with an error message such as ZeroAddress.

Status: Fixed 

Improve constructor readability

In Chrysus.sol, the constructor readability can be increased by applying the standard coding practices and naming conventions;

  • Make the function addCollateralType as public and call it for both DAI and ETH during the constructor execution OR restructure using unchained internal function structure as follows;
    • Place all necessary checks in the external functions and then call the internal function to add the collateral type,
    • E.g. the internal function _addCollateralType can be called inside the external addCollateralType function.

Status: Fixed 

Use modifiers for recurring checks

In the codebase for multiple instances some checks are used repetitively throughout different functions, for which it is suggested to use modifiers increasing the code readability and best style guides. For instance, the feeToSetter check in the swap contract and the check for governance role can be placed in modifiers.

Alternatively, for the sake of gas optimizations, it is suggested that all require statements be replaced with if statements accompanied by revert messages.

Status: Fixed 

Early return from function

In Chrysus.sol, the function collateralRatio can be modified to have an early return implemented such that the expensive for loop is avoided in certain practically possible cases. The statement if (valueCHC == 0) could be moved to top, following the declaration of variable uint256 valueCHC and return right after, to avoid the for loop.

Status: Fixed 

Introduce events in the contract Chrysus

In Chrysus.sol, to keep track of transactions and indexing through block explorers like etherscan it is suggested that all user facing functionalities have events implemented in them and emitted appropriately. Following instances are suggested:

- CollateralDeposited(user, amount)
- CollateralWithdrawn(user,amount)
- AddedCollateralType(address collateralToken)
- Liquidated(liquidator, user, amountLiquidated)
- FeesWithdrawn(treasuryFees, swapSolutionFees, stabilityModuleFees)

Status: Fixed 

Redundant checking for zero address

In Chrysus.sol, there is a need to restructure code for elegant code blocks in the function named depositCollateral function. Currently the function checks the argument _collateralType for zero address twice during its execution. This is a costly pattern and introduces redundancy in the code blocks. For instance,

- if (_collateralType != address(0)) {
	approvedCollateral[_collateralType].fees += tokenFee;
- if (_collateralType != address(0)) {
      bool success = IERC20(_collateralType).transferFrom(

Status: Fixed


The smart contracts provided by the client for audit purposes have been thoroughly analyzed in compliance with the global best practices till date w.r.t cybersecurity vulnerabilities and issues in smart contract code, the details of which are enclosed in this report. 

This report is not an endorsement or indictment of the project or team, and they do not in any way guarantee the security of the particular object in context. This report is not considered, and should not be interpreted as an influence, on the potential economics of the token, its sale or any other aspect of the project. 

Crypto assets/tokens are results of the emerging blockchain technology in the domain of decentralized finance and they carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No report provides any warranty or representation to any third-Party in any respect, including regarding the bug-free nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third-party should rely on the reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project.

Smart contracts are deployed and executed on a blockchain. The platform, its programming language, and other software related to the smart contract can have its vulnerabilities that can lead to hacks. The scope of our review is limited to a review of the Solidity code and only the Solidity code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. The Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond Solidity that could present security risks.

This audit cannot be considered as a sufficient assessment regarding the utility and safety of the code, bug-free status or any other statements of the contract. While we have done our best in conducting the analysis and producing this report, it is important to note that you should not rely on this report only - we recommend proceeding with several independent audits and a public bug bounty program to ensure security of smart contracts. 

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